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OPK Pool Policies and Procedures

Fun in the sun and the water is a given at OPK, however, the safety of our members is our first priority at Oak Park Swim Club. Our policies and procedures are here to keep members and their guests safe while providing an enjoyable experience for all. 

Upcoming events

Operating Procedures

Oak Park Club is a private club for current members and their guests. We are open daily from mid-May to mid-September.  Pool hours and events are posted on our Google Calendar and website.

At least two lifeguards are on duty during operating hours. All patrons are expected to follow directions of lifeguards and posted rules.

Members will sign-in with lifeguards upon entering the pool each day.

Lifeguards will call a "break" for the last 10 minutes of every hour. During this time, there will not be guards on the stands and only swimmers aged 18 and up may be in the water.


Members may  bring up to four adult guests (and their children) on any given day. The guest fee is $5.00 per person and applicable to any person over 18 months of age. Payment is due upon arrival via cash, punch card, or credit card. 

Non-member caregivers/babysitters may accompany member children in their care in the absence of a parent. If a parent or other caregiver is present, a guest fee will be required. 

Lap Swimming

Members may add early morning lap swimming to their membership ($25/person) to be able to access the pool from sunrise to opening or start of swim practice, whichever is earlier. Swimmers must swim in pairs and use the established sign-up procedures (Lap swimming - you must have a lap swim membership to access this link).

A lap lane will be roped off and available for lap swimming during pool hours on weekdays and prior to noon on weekends and holidays. Patrons should stay clear of the lap lane when lap swimmers are swimming.

Unaccompanied Children

Member-children aged 10 and up may come to the pool without a parent. 

Snack Bar

For the convenience of our members and guests, we offer food and drink for purchase. Prices are posted at the pool. Cash and punch cards are accepted. Punch cards may be purchased at the pool in increments of $10.00 and can be used for snacks and guest fees. A Guest Pass punch card can also be purchased in increments of $5.00.

Slide and Diving Boards

Members and their guests may use the slide and diving boards at their own risk. Only one patron may be on the slide or diving board at any point, including the ladder. Children may not sit or hang on the slide or diving boards, including during breaks. The slide is one-way only, down. Patrons should remain clear of the area at the bottom of the slide. Swimmers may not gather, dive, or swim between the ladder and the end of the diving well. Single-bounce only when using the diving boards. Divers must swim to the side closest to them after entering the water off the diving board. No goggles on the high dive.


Noodles and small floats are permitted, as long as guards are able to see underneath them. Floats and noodles are not permitted in the deep end/diving well. Swimmers may not use floats and noodles on the slide or diving boards or jump/dive on a float or kickboard.

Weapons, Tobacco, and Illicit Substances

Oak Park Pool strives to create a family-friendly environment that is safe for our members and neighbors. Smoking and vaping is not permitted on property. Use or possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 is not permitted. Weapons of any kind are not permitted, including firearms carried with a concealed-carry permit and ammunition. Violation of this policy can result in loss of membership privileges, being trespassed from the property, and/or report to law enforcement.


Oak Park Pool

4425 Oak Park Road

Raleigh, NC 27612

+1 (919) 787-1184

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